德国海德堡大学、“亚-欧”研究中心 资深教授
Prof. Dr. Rudolf G. Wagner
Senior Professor, Cluster "Asia and Europe", University of Heidelberg
第一讲 词语:“劳动”的历史
Lect.1? Words: The history of laodong (labor)
2013年11月8日 15:00-17:00
主持、致辞:中文系系主任 陈跃红 教授
第二讲 隐喻:“瓜分”中国
Lect.2? Metaphors: Guafen, the Partition of China
2013年11月15日 15:00-17:00
主持人:夏晓虹 教授
第三讲 实践:作为社会活动形式的“运动”
Lect.3? Practices: Movement as a form of social action
2013年11月22日 15:00-17:00
主持人:高远东 教授
第四讲 制度:中山纪念堂
Lect.4? Institutions: The Sun Yat-sen Mausoleum
2013年11月29日 15:00-17:00
主持人:孟华 教授
主办单位: 金年会金字招牌诚信至上中文系
Organizer: Department of Chinese Language and Literature, Peking University
??? 概念史研究一般关注词语在特定语言中的起源与历史,但这一研究方法有三方面的缺陷:首先,词语和概念不是一回事,概念可以在各种不同的平台上被表述和“讨论”;其次,概念通常是跨学问及跨语际交流的一个组成部分;最后,以概念起源为中心的历史论述,忽视了学问挪用过程中的主动力、以及最终被共享的跨学问的概念工具中的持续动力。这一讲座系列将围绕具体案例来对以上三方面的问题进行探讨。
??? Conceptual history is generally focused on the origin and history of words in one given language. This approach is flawed in three respects. First, words and concepts are not the same and concepts may be articulated and “discussed” on a variety of platforms. Second, concepts as a general rule are part of transcultural and translingual interactions. And third, the origin-focused history neglects the agency of appropriation as well as the continuing dynamics of an eventually shared transcultural conceptual apparatus. The lecture series will explore these three dimensions through a series of empirical studies.
第一讲 词语:“劳动”的历史
??? Lect. 1? Words: The history of laodong (labor)?
??? 至少自农耕文明伊始,为了维持生计,人类便已开始“劳作” (working)。然而,“劳动”(labor)这一概念,却不仅仅只有“辛苦劳作”之意,它还可以用各种不同的词语以及别的表达形式来表示。劳动这个概念是分析的结果,它给出的框架能够定义诸如劳动价值,劳动与其他活动如睡眠、休闲之间的区别,劳动人民的阶级属性及其利益的共同性等等问题。本次讲座将追溯汉语新词——“劳动”的跨学问与跨语际过程:它如何作为labor这一全球性概念之本土对应物而出现,以及又如何参与到关于这一概念意涵的全球性讨论之中。
People have been “working” at least since the beginning of agriculture imposed a strong discipline on the process of securing livelihood. The concept of labor, however, is much more than a word for hard work and it may in fact be expressed in a variety of words as well as other forms of articulation. It is the product of analysis and offers a frame that might define the values associated with work, the difference to other activities such as sleep or leisure, the class of people engaged in it, the collectivity of their interests, and more. This lecture will trace the transcultural and translingual process through which the new Chinese word laodong came to be the locally anchored representative of a globally shared concept of labor and how it engaged with the global discussion on the meaning of this concept.
第二讲 隐喻:“瓜分”中国
??? Lect. 2?? Metaphors: Guafen, the Partition of China?
??? 每一位中国学童都学习过,在晚清時期列强试图“瓜分”——“象切瓜一样分割”—— 中国。这一隐喻已成为讨论列强与中国之历史关系的概念平台。本次讲座将追踪这一隐喻的跨语际发展过程:在国际上以及中国自身关于如何将列强与中国之关系加以正当地概念化而进行的辩论幅度,这一隐喻在实际情景中的复杂内涵,并勾勒这一隐喻对概念的普遍化所起的作用,以及它的含义所可能呈现的问题。
Every school child in China has learned that during the late Qing the Powers intended to “divide China up like a melon,” guafen. This metaphor has become the platform to conceptualize the relationship of the Powers with China. The lecture will trace the translingual development of this metaphor, the bandwidth of the international and Chinese debate about the proper conceptualization of this relationship, the complex implications of this metaphor with the actual situation, and sketch the power such a metaphor can have for the popularization of a concept as well as the problems its implications might present.?
第三讲 实践:作为社会活动形式的“运动”
??? Lect. 3?? Practices: Movement as a form of social action?
??? “运动”这一汉语新词汇含义非常丰富,其指称范围可从物理学到哲学、从体育活动到某种特定的社会活动形式。本次讲座将关注它的后一种含义,探讨“运动”这种特定的社会实践形式,如何成为一种概念探索的平台、以及它如何在自身的跨学问交流过程中发展。讨论将集中在1919年的“五四”运动,这一运动在前一天已被定义为一种“大众运动”,这意味着参加者对于他们所参与的这一社会活动的形式,已经了然于心。
??? “Movement,” yundong, is a new Chinese word with a broad range of meanings, ranging from physics to philosophy, sports, and a specific form of social action. This lecture will focus on the last aspect and explore the way how specific forms of social practice become the platform of conceptual exploration and evolve in their own transcultural interaction. The focus will be on the “May Fourth Movement” 1919, which was defined as a “mass movement” already on the day before, implying that the participants had an understanding of the forms of social practice this involved.
第四讲 制度:中山纪念堂
??? Lect. 4?? Institutions: The Sun Yat-sen Mausoleum
??? 供公众吊唁的纪念堂,是为去世的政治领袖而建的非凡纪念场所。19世纪初以来,纪念堂成为以建筑方式表达的在建立现代民族国家过程中发挥了重要作用的政治领袖的概念。本次讲座将关注中山陵,并追踪它与其他同类建筑之间的跨学问互动。这里,关于政治领袖概念的“讨论”,借由不同的建筑计划而呈现出来。由此大家可以探讨制度在成为表达概念的平台里所起的作用。
??? A publicly accessible mausoleum offers a particular framing for a deceased political leader. Since the nineteenth century it became???? the architectural articulation of the conceptual role associated with or assigned to a given political leader in the formation of a modern nation. The lecture will focus on the Zhongshan ling and trace its transcultural interaction with other buildings of this type. The “discussion” about the concept of the political leader here takes the form of different architectural plans. This will allow for the exploration of institutions as platforms of conceptual articulation.
??? 鲁道夫·瓦格纳(Prof. Dr. Rudolf G. Wagner),德国海德堡大学汉学系、“亚-欧”研究中心资深教授,美国哈佛大学费正清东亚研究中心研究员。出生于德国黑森州Wiesbaden,1969年于慕尼黑大学获博士学位,1993年度“莱布尼茨”奖(德国最高学术奖)获得者。瓦格纳教授以对王弼《<老子>注》的专门研究蜚声海外汉学领域,学术兴趣广泛,涉及佛教经典、魏晋玄学、太平天国运动及现代中国的社会与学问等,关注历史中以语言为中介的常识与政治、学问、社会间的互动。主要著作包括:《重制天国图景:太平天国运动中宗教的作用》(Reenacting the Heavenly Vision: The Role of Religion in the Taiping Rebellion, 1984)、《当代中国的历史剧——四个实例研究》(The Contemporary Chinese Historical Drama: Four Studies, 1990)、《当代中国散文研究》(Inside a Service Trade. Studies in Contemporary Chinese Prose(,1992)、《注疏家的技艺:王弼的“老子注”》)The Craft of a Chinese Commentator: Wang Bi on the Laozi、((2000)、《语言、本体论和政治哲学:王弼对玄学的学术考察》(Language, Ontology, and Political Philosophy: Wang Bi's Scholarly Exploration of the Dark (Xuanxue),2003)、《〈道德经〉发微:王弼对“老子”的注释——批评文本和翻译》(A Chinese Reading of the Daodejing : Wang Bi's commentary on the Laozi with critical text and translation, 2003 )(以上三书有中译本《王弼<老子注>研究》2卷,杨立华译,江苏人民出版社,2008)等。另著有论文百余篇,如《中国公共空间中西人社区的作用》(The Role of the Foreign Community in the Chinese Public Sphere)、《申报的危机:1878-1879年申报与郭嵩焘之间的冲突和国际环境》(The Shenbao in Crisis: The International Environment and the Conflicty between Guo Songtao and the Shenbao)、《中国的“睡”与“醒”:不对等的概念化与应付手段之研究》(China "Asleep" and "Awakening." A Study in Conceptualizing Asymmetry and Coping with It)等等。